Alex Glasgow
Alex has 32 years experience in the sports turf industry. Following graduation from Massey University, he worked on the green maintenance staff at the Royal Auckland Golf Club and subsequently in horticultural production. For the last 31 years Alex has been employed by the NZ Sports Turf Institute as an agronomist based in Auckland.
Working as a Turfgrass Agronomist he has consulted to a wide range of sports including golf, lawn bowls, cricket, winter sports pitches (rugby, football, etc) croquet, horse racing and amenity turf situations. In addition to in New Zealand he has consulted in South East Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the management of both warm and cool season grasses.
In addition to general consultancy he has been involved in a wide range of sports turf construction projects throughout New Zealand and internationally.
Alex is also involved in the delivery of sports training – NZSTI undertakes the majority of formal sports turf education in New Zealand.